
Cloud Services • Secure Storage • Awesome Apps

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Pricing and Available Plans

Affordable Pricing


MyCloudVIP® Choose your preferred Pricing Plan according to your current needs, you may upgrade at anytime without paying any penalties.

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The story of our company

About Us


MyCloudVIP® was consolidated this year, but it actually was in the making for several years, its creators spent a great deal of time, running marketing analysis and doing benchmarking with some of today's most respectable Cloud Service Companies in the US and Europe, making our current and future Customers our NUMBER 1 PRIORITY.

Our findings, gave us the clues, which put us into a road of Technology that it is about to change the lives of millions, worldwide.

You see, many large companies are more concerned into market share and taking over their competition with the latest products and services, without realizing that they are leaving their Customers at end of the line. On the other hand, we, at MyCloudVIP®, are definitely focused on making the end user's experience, a totally enjoyable one, by not only rengineering technologies from the past, but making a statement of innovation, with the newest and most sophisticated computing tools that we have gathered for you, offering you a seamless and friendly transition from the resources you are using now, to a wider selection of IT services at extremely competitive and affordable prices.

You are Welcome to REQUEST our services on a FREE non-obligation TRIAL MEMBERSHIP, of up to 7 (seven) CONSECUTIVE DAYS, other TRIALS may be offered within an specific time-frame of days or hours, according to the type of product you will be testing, we are so confident about the quality of our services, that NO CREDIT CARD information needs to be provided, so that when the TRIAL PERIOD is over, you will have the FREEDOM of choosing from over 20 Cloud Service Plans, thus letting you make arrangements and combinations according to your personal or business needs.

MyCloudVIP® - The way cloud services should really be.


Success is all about value and trust

Our Services

Get in touch with us

Get In Touch

We are ready to take care of ALL your Cloud computing needs, whether it is Cloud Storage, Virtual Machines, Virtual Private Networks, LIVE Streaming, Virtual Classrooms or any other of our incredibly affordable services, MyCloudVIP® is here to assist you with 24/7 support service and friendly professional staff who know the importance of providing you the best Cloud Services, you want and DESERVE.

Phone number

+1 (312) 436 0367

Email address

Business address

North Michigan Av.
Chicago, IL. USA

Complete our CONTACT FORM to request additional information.
MyCloudVIP® - "The way Cloud Services should be".